The Oregon Brewshed® Alliance is a coalition of brewing businesses and brewing community partners who understand the value of clean water and protected forest watersheds. The Oregon Brewshed® Alliance supports Oregon Wild and its work to protect and restore the wild lands, wildlife, and waters that make our state a great place to live, work, and enjoy great beer.
Great beer doesn’t start at the tap – great beer begins with clean water.
Beer is over 90% water, after all, and that water is a product of the land that it flows through.
Great Beer Begins
with Clean Water
What We Do
Oregon Brewshed® Alliance partners work to support Oregon Wild, an environmental non-profit organization that has worked to protect Oregon’s wild places and waters since 1974, to educate the craft beer drinking community about protected watersheds and their essential role in Oregon’s celebrated craft brewing industry, and to advocate for their brewsheds. Because a healthy brewshed means better beer and cider!
Oregon Brewshed® Alliance partners have made a difference supporting important conservation efforts in a variety of ways.
Helped make Oregon Brewshed® Brewfests a success (4 in Portland, and 3 in Eugene)
Raised over $60,000 to support conservation work
Donated beer, cider, and kombucha to Oregon Wild’s Call of the Wild fundraiser and other events
Supported efforts to protect new Wilderness areas, State Scenic Waterways, Wild & Scenic Rivers, and reform logging laws to better protect streams by signing letters to elected officials, placing ads, and penning opinion pieces
Hosted more pint-nights, tap-takeovers, and education nights for the public at brewpubs and tap houses than we can count
Take Action
Public lands and clean water are home to native wildlife that need our help to thrive.
Oregon’s forests provide and protect the clean, cold water we all love - but they need our protection.
Wild, clear waters flow from our taps and support recreation and wildlife across Oregon. Let’s work to protect Oregon’s rivers and streams!
Partner of the Month
Ninkasi Brewing
Ninkasi Brewing was founded with one purpose – through the creation of the highest quality beers; to improve the lives of its customers, the residents of its communities, its employees, and business partners.
Over the past few years, Ninkasi has offered support for the River Democracy Act that would protect rivers and brewsheds across the state. This year, they generously donated beer for Oregon Wild’s 50th Anniversary Gala in Eugene, and are hosting another community celebration in their Better Living Room space in September. Thanks for all you do, Ninkasi!